South Face Farms Sugar house - Ashfield, MA
We began the day here, with a hearty, homemade breakfast. They are well known for their pancakes and french toast...we waited an hour just for a table, but it was worth it.

Contre-jour...for you Peter. While we waited for our name to be called for breakfast, I took a stroll and found this lovely tree backlit by the morning sun.

Whetstone Valley Farm - Brattleboro, MA - Many sugar houses still hang buckets to tap the maple trees. The maple syrup was being poured as we were tasting, and oh my goodness, it was delicious. I bought a half gallon...should take me through next spring.

They were boiling the sap today, as evidenced by the steam escaping and sweetening the air for miles.

Making maple syrup is hard labor, between feeding the wood fire and evaporating the sap until it's the perfect consistency. I give these small sugar houses credit for a job well done. Their syrup was especially good, and it was wonderful to watch them pour my syrup, piping hot into the jug. It was still very warm when I got home to Delmar hours later.