Collaboration: US and UK

My friend Peter Bryenton from the UK sent the first picture to me and challenged me to edit it. I have to mention that Peter is what I would call a Renaissance man. His talents are varied - painting, watercolors, tinkering about, but photography and specifically lighting are two things that he really excels at. I was very honoured that he trusted me with one of his pictures. Iā€™ve never collaborated on a photography project before, and I really enjoyed and had a lot of fun with it.

I dropped the photo into an app called Brushstroke and started playing around with different filters, different brushstrokes - honestly the possibilities are endless in this particular app.  I would encourage anybody thatā€™s looking for a new photo editing app to check this one out.

[photo credit: Peter Bryenton]

                                          Two possibilities that I decided against 

My final image


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